该片由三个独立的小故事组成:等她再次从地窖出来时,心里暗暗打定主意,往后有空的时候,还是得将这些东西分开,最好是多放几个地方。钱掌柜觉得自己没啥必要对张秀娥用那些虚招。本片是《罪途》三部曲的第一部,后两部是《罪途2之救赎代价》与《罪途3之正义规则》,三集共同讲述了一个故事:2005年,一列绿皮火车因暴雨引发泥石流而被停在半路。一节车厢中的八名乘客,全部陷入了不明原因的昏迷当中。调查结果则更让人心惊,其中一位乘客已经成为了冰冷的尸体……A trilogy of horror stories that begins with a crazy musician who has trouble composing his latest song. His lack of concentration on his work leads to the accidental conjuring of an evil spirit. The second story concerns a couple who go to a pool hall for a night of fun. While there, they meet a friendly guy named David who invites them back to his place for a private party where he has other bloody plans. The final story is about a girl who comes home from work to find a mysterious package on her doorstep. Upon opening it, she finds a creepy ventriloquist dummy that seems to have a life of its own and a liking for blood.上了火车,众人才发现,原来学校定的是卧铺票。只是他这种不耐烦的情绪,慕浅看得出来,鹿然却未必。她的确没事,脸上那仅有的一丝苍白,也可能只是被吓到。年轻的女孩没有学过烹饪,却做得一手好菜,用料上创意十足。一次大胆自荐,她开始在一位有名厨师开的店里做办公室助理,并结识了帅气的执行主厨。一次意外后,两人都被炒了鱿鱼。女孩想成为厨师的梦想,该何去何从呢?