  • 我的观影记录

Lucienne Delamare and Pierre Maury are having an affair. Lucienne's husband Paul is the mayor, and a French deputy. Pierre's wife Clotilde has been weak and sickly for years. Lucienne's husband holds no excitement for her, and he is always away in Paris on business. Pierre is now the vice-mayor, thanks to Paul. Lucienne and Pierre have a secret meeting spot by a lake along a country lane. Pierre's wife dies suddenly, by suicide the town gossips believe. Pierre confesses otherwise to Lucienne. Paul proposes a shady land deal which will"benefit the town", and wants Pierre's political support and collusion. Then Paul discovers proof of his wife's affair...聂远乔这次去打水,说是很随缘的去帮张秀娥打了水,但是里面还是有点刻意的成分。愛子の友人のドジ犬・スパンクは、かわいいメス犬のアンナに一目ぼれ。そして、アンナの飼い主である島田翔が愛子のクラスに転入してきた。つまらない口ゲンカやアンナの病気などを経て、2人はしだいに心を通わせていった。そんなとき、翔がバイオリンの勉強のために渡米することになった。彼はそのことを愛子に言えず悩む。彼の母にそのことを聞かされた愛子は、残された時間の間に思い出をつくりたいというのだった。Les Hackel (Marsters) is a guy down on his luck who wakes to find an explosive device has been implanted in his neck. He must carry out heinous crimes...慕浅不由得眯了眯眼睛——这熊孩子,不会是故意的吧?Relive a year of music at the BBC, from Glastonbury and the Proms to exclusive Radio 2 concerts. Including live performances from Lionel Richie, Taylor Swift, Adele and more.他还可以给张婆子狡辩几句,可是张大江昨天已经把这些事儿都做到明面上来了,就算是张大湖不愿意相信,也不得不承认。In Italy this is considered a B-movie. Anyway it is a sort of thriller, very rich in strange and funny characters, sometimes a little exaggerated. Dialogues are often based on Roman dialect which could be difficult to understand (sometimes it is even for Italians). Among conversations, there's a lot of gags, especially between two main characters, Nico Giraldi and Venticello, representing people coming from the same poor, post-war background. One of them is a policeman (Nico), the other one (Venticello) is a definitely unlucky, ignorant, little thief. Once were friends. In a way, they still are. The main soundtrack theme is obsessive and distressing, creating a suspense that's difficult to imagine. I saw this movie several times, but from time to time I like to watch it again, just for fun. A movie rich of rude dialogs and scenes that make you laugh even before any of the characters has the chance to speak. It could be considered a B-movie but I think that soon it will be re-evaluated.屠宰场的管理人员正在经历着一场文化冲突和代沟,并且要处理和激进的父亲,顽固的朋友和前女友的关系


