평강공주와 바보온달 야사를 영화화한 이규웅 감독의 두 번째 연출작. 아름답고 슬기로운 평강공주역의 김지미가 돋보이고 그녀의 몸종역인 전계현과 김희갑의 코믹연기가 일품이다. 파관장군(이예춘)을 사모하는 선화공주(주증녀)는 전투에서 공훈을 떨치고 온 그가 평강공주를 배필로 선택하자 강호장군(박노식)과 함께 두 사람을 모함한다. 평강은 궁을 떠나게 되고 우연히 그녀의 목숨을 구해 준 바보온달(신영균)에게 무예와 학문을 가르친다. 수나라가 고구려를 침략하자 바보온달과 구사일생으로 목숨을 건져 때를 기다린 파관장군은 적을 물리치고 나라를 구한다.Hyeran is from an orphan but goes to college with the care of the orphanage director. One day, Hye-ran, who has been deprived of the honor by the director, takes out the account of the director and leaves the orphanage. As a school senior, I ask for help from Tae Jin, president of a large company. Instead of giving money, I make him a pleasure. Hye-ran, who meets with Sang-il of Philosophy Department, feels a man who is a man of the past. Hye-ran is a man who has betrayed Hye-ran after he passed the examination of Hye-ran. Meanwhile, Hye-ran decides to take revenge on Hye-hwan, When he found two people for revenge, Hye-ran gave up his immigration and found that the orphanage died and his orphanage was left to Hye-ran by his father. I decide to devote my life to the orphanage. The day of the orphanage inauguration ceremony day comes and the two will make a new start.遂顾潇潇也不管三七二十一,直接和冷天野联手,一起对付熊涛。我早拿了假了。容恒说,你做手术,我当然要陪着你。小白(蔣雅文飾)獲表姐介紹而成為配音員,因此結識了收音師克明(譚耀文飾)。克明與小白相處下來,互生情愫。小白的表哥阿庭(魏駿傑飾)暗戀小白,對小白關懷備至,可惜小白不領情。小白喜愛白色,克明欲錄下大自然中純白的聲音。不,他根本就不是一个人,有谁见过,一个人在丧尸群里,他附近的丧尸会给他让出足够的空间,他应该是一只高级丧尸,已经恢复成人类模样的丧尸,这太恐怖了。好了满意的看着眼前帅气的莫,心里美极了,这么好的男人是她的。劝你别。容恒懒懒地开口道,我哥跟慕浅假模假式地约会过几次,后来一直被霍氏追着打,丢了好几个重要项目,一年少赚了几十亿,一直到最近才找到喘息的机会——A biography of Navy flier-turned-screenwriter Frank W."Spig" Wead.