Rocket ships, Rayguns, and Robots abound in this heart-pounding tale where the stellar adventurer Saber Raine is hired to guide three elite soldiers on a rescue mission to recover a prince and princess who have been abducted from their home world. The trail leads Saber and his allies to a planet deep within uncharted space that is inhabited by strange mutated creatures, leech-like desert marauders, renegade mercenaries, alien outcasts, and cybernetically enhanced soldiers that guard mysterious ruins of an empire long forgotten. Deep within the ruins, Sinjin, a sinister overlord freed from a cryogenic chamber that was his prison for many centuries, is now in league with the Quintari, a malevolent insectoid race known throughout the galaxy as the scourge. In possession of a powerful new energy source, Sinjin plots his revenge on the descendants of those who betrayed him in the past. Can our heroes complete their rescue mission and stop Sinijin from unleashing his fury on the universe?@不是废物,就做给我看,不是吼给我听。在花火咖啡厅,男主角被女主角的个性所吸引,通过咖啡店老板转交写有全市有特点的咖啡店地址的明信片,通过咖啡香气的、关于爱情的各个小故事,慢慢得到女主角的青睐而在一起后,但最终意外导致两人分开。1950年,美国某岛上的一位当地居民卡尔夜间出海捕鱼时身亡,警长认为此事疑点诸多,颇有排日倾向的法医将日裔居民宫本一雄牵入此案,法院随即对宫本展开审判,岛报记者伊斯梅尔(Ethan Hawke 饰)因个人关系对审理十分在意,原来宫本之妻金田初枝(工藤夕贵 饰)是伊斯梅尔青梅竹马的恋人,后来美日宣战,...A young couple's romance is altered by the outbreak of the Algerian War of Independence.19世纪末期在俄国帝国发生的故事。前gendarme 军团司令员, 现任西伯利亚州长兼将军 Hrapov 从莫斯科到西伯利亚,途中在快车上被害,他是在火车上的大臣车厢内被一个陌生人杀死的。可是根据守卫的报告, Hrapov是被国会议员Erast Petrovich Fandorin(Oleg Menshikov)行刺的。后者当Hrapov 在莫斯科逗留期间是负责他的保安的。可是当Hrapov守卫来到莫斯科认识真正的Fandorin 时,他们相识凶手是冒认国会议员的。 现在Fandorin 马上开始调查,誓言把真凶绳之以法。叶惜却偏偏更是难以释怀,只是站在那里,一步也不肯走地看着慕浅。只见讲台上,班主任的身后,站着一个瘦弱的小女生五官倒是挺精致的,就是可惜又黄又瘦,充其量只能算是不丑。讲述了一位像无根草一样生活着的、一人一剑执杖天涯散发出惊人的强大和性感的新英雄。饰演这位英雄多十郎的是初次动真格地挑战蝮蛇的高良。散发着不可思议的魅力的多十郎,受其照顾、含有隐情的小料理屋女将音世由多部未华子饰演,胸有大志而上京的多十郎弟弟数马由木村了饰演,三人各自怀着不同的想法,与見廻组展开了殊死搏斗