龙是一化名为麻雀侠的正义隐士。在一次正义行动中,竟被好友胜出卖,虽最后拼死杀出重围并被一老伯救起,但却失去了记忆,住在老人院。胜以为龙死了,乘机拼吞了龙的所有财产,成为一名富豪。就在此时,龙在老人院教授老人们习武,让他们从麻雀中解脱出来,奈何受到医生强的阻挠。可是,老人们却发现习武后身体越来越好,于...浅丘琉璃子是日本60年代崛起的女星,是日本拍片最多的女演员之一,共拍片达120余部,以扮演不幸的女性角色见长。Mark Adair-Rios' work and projects-in-development blow the lid off what it means to be a working actor in Hollywood. Raised as a San Fernando Valley boy, his multi-ethnic heritage keeps Casting guessing and lands him roles that range from gang member to techno geek, psychotic killer to misogynist cop, and HR trainer to LA transvestite.When two teenagers engage in sex and violence, they are targeted as an example to illustrate the moral decay of youth. Eva Christian is seen is various stages of nudity as she plays the game of love with Luis Fernando, Ianelli Fregolente, and Geraldo Del Ray. The teens are seen as part of a sexual revolution sweeping the city in this exploitation feature with a surprise ending.When a tribe of cave-women imparts cruel justice on one of their own their fate takes a turn for the worst. After discovering and falling in love with the corpse sacrificed by the girl-gang, a lone wandering giant of prehistoric myths is inspired to homicide. Consequently the cave-women are menaced by the heartbroken and bloodthirsty cave-brute with a grudge, and the prophetess among them is ignored when she predicts the tragic outcome.@痛失爱人的女警吴洁(张钧甯饰)在自杀前一刻偶遇一起杀人案件,案件中的女性水流尸被挖除心脏、切下无名指,昭示着这些女性被杀害前曾遭受非人虐待,一起针对雅隆女劳工的连环变态凶杀案在吴洁面前缓缓展开。在案件调查过程中,吴洁发现所有的证据都指向受害者的前男友,非法人力中介林佑生(阮经天饰)。他和死者纠缠错乱...9月25日,由芒果娱乐、天浩盛世、爱奇艺文学联合出品的网络电影《废柴梦想家》在长沙举行了开机仪式。芒果娱乐副总裁吴雄杰,导演李翰东以及主演赵奕欢、朱信宗、冯青等主创悉数出席。该片力求打造一部工作狂人与理想主义者在鸡飞狗跳的创业路上发展成情侣的励志爱情喜剧。 ...虎妞娘起身, 她大概和你想法一样,昨天我还觉得奇怪,都说财不露白。为何那些东西就摆在院子里,随便找个屋藏起来也行啊!现在看来,她爹娘能狠心卖掉她,这是防着她爹娘呢。傅城予就站在她门口,整个人都是有些疲倦的状态,眼睛里红血丝明显到极点。霍祁然还是转开脸,过了一会儿才又道:那爸爸呢?