Ready to leave his profession behind, Loreno, an assassin, lends help to an old friend, Cetan, and t每次林水茹在家里看的电视剧,里面她一个人都不认识。A man studying to be a writer learns some unpleasant lessons about himself in this drama. Alfonso (Giovanni Ciccia) is an aspiring novelist who, as part of his scholarship to a writing program, must take an internship at a tabloid newspaper alongside his girlfriend Nadia (Lucia Jimenez). While Nadia is given a simple office assignment, Alfonso is made an assistant to one of the paper's top writers, Faundez (Gianfranco Brero), which turns out to be a demanding job. With his driver Van Gogh (Carlos Gassols) and his photographer Escalona (Fele Martinez), Faundez heads out each day to collect stories through intimidation and emotional manipulation, and he has no qualms about using sources for his own purposes or passing along stories to his less-industrious significant other, Roxanna (Ynonne Frayssinet). While Alfonso is appalled by Faundez's shaky ethics and cavalier attitude toward women, it also begins to sink in, and when circumstances force Alfonso to take over for Faundez for a while, he's surprised to discover how much he's come to resemble the man he despises. Tinta Roja was based on the novel by Alberto Fuguet.A school crossing guard reprimands the PTA president for careless driving. He is later dismissed from his job on the basis of an anonymous note accusing him of being too friendly with little schoolgirls. His daughter's boyfriend takes up his cause, assuming that the PTA president sent the note out of spite. It turns out that the note was sent by a woman living across the street from the school, who knew the guard from another city, and feared he would expose her past life. Story is told with the same incident repeated from several different viewpoints. (IMDb)関西電力株式会社の35周年を記念して東映アニメーション(当時は東映動画)が受注制作したPR用長編アニメ。巨匠・松本零士の原作や総設定のもと、電力をテーマとした宇宙の物語がつづられる。编剧李铭给,我给你找了一个干净的被子,还有一盒饼干,你不是说你今天一天都没有吃东西吗?Wiesbaden. La polizia criminale è in allarme per una serie di delitti misteriosi che hanno come punto in comune l'albergo Luxor. L'opinione pubblica v...悦颜透过指缝悄悄看他,却见他已经伸手过来,走吧。