她的一生没有子嗣,她那十年几乎是独宠后宫,为什么偏偏皇后有子嗣,贵妃有子嗣,别的嫔妃甚至比她位置低的人都有子嗣,她却没有?苏明珠其实觉得欢妃很可惜的:除非有人不愿意让她留下子嗣,又或者是她自己不愿意留下,毕竟她那样的情况,被留下的孩子地位也尴尬。如果他们大富大贵,姑娘家读些书也正常,但是庄户人家,好多人觉得没必要。Asha has always known Ashok, an employee with her dad, since she was a child and has had a crush on him. She could not stand anyone else trying to woo him in any way. When she finds out that a young woman named Vinny has been taking an interest in Ashok, she beats her up. She thinks she has Ashok all to herself, only to find out that another young woman, Renu, also has an interest in Ashok and that Ashok has been taking care of her for years. When she meets Renu she hopes to teach her a lesson, but instead who she meets is someone delicate and mentally imbalanced, and she decides to assist her. Then their lives take an unexpected turn when someone unknown shoots Ashok and leaves him mortally wounded. Who is this person, and what is Ashok's relationship with Renu?你放心,我会跟她好好谈的,没下次了。When a young man returns to his hometown to assist with a friend's trial it soon becomes clear that he isn't the beacon of success that everyone thought he was.Two boys' childhood Ouija games end in horrific tragedy. As adults they realize that whatever they conjured up was more sinister and demonic than ever imagined. And now it's back to finish what it started.哪怕知道她的决定是正确的,哪怕事情已经过去了,她们都没事,她还是会难过会自责呀。一对年轻夫妇,萨缪尔和埃娃,搬到马德里居住。萨缪尔给报社当摄影记者在外面工作,埃娃在家,萨缪尔不知道他的妻子已经怀孕了……黑心商人钱世三利用非常手段把一直不出矿的废矿山卖给了矿工金报恩,一次地震发现了大量金矿,金报恩决定把这个消息告诉青梅竹马的女友,却意外发现自己的女朋友和钱世三之间的苟且之事。钱世三分外眼红,诱骗急需金钱来改变身体缺陷的时不再,帮助自己偷取矿山合同。事成后钱世三不仅不兑现承诺,还暴打了时不再。钱世三霸占了矿山,还把金报恩等人扔出矿山。金报恩和时不再两个因同样的命运而走到一起,时不再决定不惜一切代价再把矿山合同偷回来。时不再等人三次潜入钱世三庄园均未得逞,反被钱世三抓住,钱世三欲制造矿难将其灭口。关键时刻,卧底刑警钢炮将钱世三绳之于法。